Friday, August 31, 2012


No, really duck. Here's why.
We were on vacation Up Nord last week. As usual we enjoyed viewing various types of wildlife that roam around freely up there. We saw the usual assortment. You know, eagles, deer, ducks, geese, cranes, herons, a fox and a few loons (and some water fowl ones too). We caught a few fish. (And lost a few. Including a five hundred pound Marlin that broke my line and escaped.) We encountered a vast array of wild-not-so-live roadkill. Skunks, coons, deer and porcupines. But the most interesting specie we ran across was the "Tree Dwelling Turtle". One evening, after dinner, a loud "Ohhh!" came from came from the base of a very tall pine tree where Reid, my son-in-law, and Eddie, the grandkid, were sitting, playing with some pebbles. (Pebble playing is a great after dinner pastime Up Nord.) "What's wrong"  I called from the deck. "Something just hit me in the shoulder", Reid replied. Looking around him, on the ground, he found the object that had undoubtedly fallen from the treetop and bounced off his shoulder . . . a small painted turtle, about the size of a silver dollar. After close inspection by Reid, Eddie and Edie, the bewildered culprit/victim was released into the lake. We considered putting it back in the tree but on one was willing to climb it. We think the the real culprit was one of the seagulls that was out hunting that night who must have dropped his appetizer on his way home. Now, grandkid Eddie is convinced that some turtles DO live in trees. Although there were many laughing occasions during the week this wins the title of "This Made Me Laugh The Most"! So, when you're Up Nord, pay attention to ALL the warning signs that are posted throughout the area.

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