The original intent of this series of Blogs was to relate things that I encountered in the course of a day that made me laugh. A few of the previous posts have been that. But, the majority seem to be jokes, cartoons or videos. Although these all made me laugh they just weren't the kind of weird, silly things that run through my mind. So . . . last night as I was propped up in front of the TV watching some educational program on the "Life Cycle of Grass and Other Green Substances Found Around the Home", a commercial came on. Now there are a lot of humorous commercials running nowadays but this one, tho meant to be serious, hit me right smack in my giggle bone. It was a commercial for an upcoming episode of "The Bachelor" (that in itself is kinda funny . . . "what's coming up next on the bachelor?") This particular spot showed the bachelor and one of his suitors getting naked and running off into the surf. With the intention of utmost good taste the more private parts (or privater parts) were covered by Black Boxes. My mind snapped, I turned to Jo and stated, "That's ridiculous, you know how hard it is to swim with those boxes on?" "As a matter of fact it's almost impossible to stay underwater wearing them."
I went on to explain the laws of buoyancy and other related sinking problems a naked person may encountered with such devices attached. (I learned a lot about such scientific stuff on Educational TV) At any rate, good luck to "The Bachelor" and his chosen one when they try to get more intimate (or intimater) with those Black Boxes in place. I wonder if that cold water makes those things shrink too?
The guy in charge of the "Black Boxes" gets a shot for his portfolio.
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